- I went rock climbing today. That is me possibly upside down climbing. It was pretty cool. I was the only one in the class to do the "long climb" up 100 feet. I have blisters on my toes and limited mobility on my arms now though.
- There clearly is not Thai version of the American with Disabilities Act. All sidewalks are discontinuous and I literally thought I broke my toe the other day from a massive stubbing. Why?
- On a related note, the bathroom door in my current hotel is approximately 5' 9" tall. Not a good thing for a 6' person that occasional using the facilities at night. You only make that mistake once though.
- When I checked into the hotel here, the attended killed what he said was a "dangerous" snake just outside my from door. This is the second place I've stayed at in a row that has had a snake at the front door. (I saw the other one when I was alone. It was big and green, but not sure if it was lethal or not). Now I take me flashlight with me when I'm coming home late...
- I'm starting to master the art of eating-alone-and-looking-like-you-don't-care. I'm almost fooling myself now. Especially strong test here in Railay as everyone else here seems to be on a honeymoon.
- Another reason to travel with a partner. I literally have a sunburn on my back that perfectly reflects/illustrates the spots on your back which you can not self-administer sunscreen. nice white arcs on the shoulders (like a windshield wider coverage pattern) over a pinkish lower-back. Ouch
- All that lonely complaining aside, I'm actually starting to get into the soliDude groove a little. Invited myself into a beach frisbee throwing game today. Had an ice crean cone with a (honeymooning?) Canadian couple last nice.
- Finally almost not sick.
- Ok, must stop the baht-clock. More later. Also, when I get back to a 1 baht/min internet sight, I will post gobs of new photos...
ps: What happened to all the blog view comments? Anyone still reading this??