Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Real" life update.

Hello everybody! Been just over three weeks at home now and still no one has offered me any deep-fried tarantulas to eat. That's alot for helping me with my transition everybody! It is surprising that I've only been back for 3 weeks. It really does seem like my trip was forever ago, and that is a little bit of a sad realization. Part if it has been just how much has happened since I've been back. My job stuff had really come together perfectly. I've landed both of those jobs that I've talked some about and they seem to be fitting together nicely. One of them I was able to start on literally the first work day I was back and the other is just starting to really ramp up now. Still, I haven't been too busy to spend the necessary time to get buy and set-up a new computer, fix our hot tub, work on the yard, take the dogs on walks, set up my home-office, and even sneak out for the occasional mid-week bike ride. Not too bad. But many full days. I need to work on that and try harder to channel a little more "Laos" attitude.

I was interviewed by the Winters Express last week about my trip. I'm going to be a celebrity in town. (Can you be a celebrity in a town where everybody knows everybody?). If it prints this week, I'll send out the link. Actually, the picture above was taken by a professional photographer in who I met while in Cambodia. He sends stuff to magazines in Europe (and the US, I think?) so if he is successful, maybe I will be a celebrity. Not sure if I look quite horrified enough in the picture though for it to make the press...

While getting work has been going well, doing work has been harder. My ability to focus has been greatly compromised. Hopefully it is just atrophy from lack of use, not a permanent loss from a realization that there are better things to do than work. Sooner or later successful getting combined with the unsuccessful doing might catch up to me. Hopefully the fear of that will help sharpen the focus some.

OK, break in the rain. Gonna go work in the yard some. Easier to focus on that than trying to write about energy efficiency light sources...


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